Instructions Map
Start: In 7 / 8 breakout space.
Walk out the door that has a STOP sign on it.
And that will lead you into room 8.
2. Go to the guitar and there will be a door.
The door must lead outside otherwise you read the Instructions wrong.
3. Before walking you must open the door before you go outside.
Open the door and go down the little ramp and STOP! At the bottom.
4. On your right there is a water fountain then turn anti clockwise ¼ turn.
You should be able to see trees and a playground.
5. Walk Diagonally to the climbing wall on the playground.
Go to the other side of the climbing wall.
The truth is: I am above you.
First climb the rope and turn ¼ turn anticlockwise.
Congrats you found me in my hiding spot! :D
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My Map it has been drawn By Mediana Rush
Mediana I like how you chose to write your Hide and Seek task as a set of instructions and you chose to draw a map to support these. Has anyone followed these to find your hiding spot?